My fifth year of Kansas State University graduate school had a different setup; whereas previous studios were on a semester basis, this year spanned the fall and spring semesters. The first project was a warmup for us as we began researching various port cities in Europe in small teams. My partner for this project was Paul Klippel, who was a great teammate and skilled worker. We divided the work on a slide-by-slide basis, and this first slide was completed by him.
My work depicting the regions of Belgium.
My work depicting the port of Antwerp and shipping.
My work depicting the port of Antwerp and shipping via barges.
My work depicting the port of Antwerp and shipping via railway.
Paul's work depicting the waterways of the port of Antwerp.
My work depicting the growth of the city over time.
Paul's work depicting the change over time.
My work depicting the population density of Antwerp.
Paul's work depicting the spatial density of Antwerp.
Paul's work depicting the parks and green spaces of Antwerp.
Paul's work depicting modes of transportation in Antwerp.
Paul's work depicting travel distance in Antwerp.
Paul's work depicting the major historic sites of Antwerp.
My work depicting the major trends of gentrification in Antwerp.
Paul's work dpicting gentrification as a visual.
After researching our various cities and presenting them, the studio began work on our actual project which deals with the Poblats Maritims district in Valencia, Spain. We were then split into larger groups and given topics to research. My work above depicts annual Mediterranean hurricane landfall.
My work depicting climate change and rising water levels' affects on Valencia.
My work depicting climate change and rising water levels' affects on the Poblats Maritims district.
My work depicting climate change and rising water levels' affects on our site area.